Thursday, October 8, 2009

Steampunk & Cyberpunk style for TV Costuming!

I had a lady approach me to ask if I could design some jewelry for a "cyberpunk" styled TV Commercial! oh yes. yes i can :D Could I get it to LA by Thursday? Could I do it on a budget? Hella yeah! Lucky for me I like a challenge - and getting a deadline done. I had 2 necklaces (and a bracelet) completed in 24hrs.. and shipped. Shipping though was expensive - but thank gods I got the cash back. $50+ but it was there in Thursday morning (shipped Tuesday pm).

Whats the commerical about??? ... I am sworn to keep it a secret! Something cyberpunk.

Evidently the commerical is a Big Deal. Of course, who knows - it might not even show on the final cut, or it might just be itty-bitty on a person in the background. but... Does it matter? Not really.

I know my work will look so good as costuming. Seriously. I can picture someone with a few layers of it on. The Vacuum Tubes hanging down - some of the bigger ones that are very sexual, very odd and Full of Mysterious things. Those look fantastic on men. Maybe some of the smaller ones for a woman. The funny thing is that no one really recognizes them much any more. They look like capsules.

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